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Hydrogen and it's Future

What is Green Hydrogen?

Green hydrogen is produced via electrolysis, a process that splits water into hydrogen and oxygen using an electroyser powered by electricity from renewable sources like wind or solar power. This method stores the energy from renewables in the hydrogen and does not emit carbon, making green hydrogen a clean energy carrier.

Much like solar and wind last decade, the hydrogen market stands at the cusp of high growth and transformation. As the world pivots towards sustainable energy solutions, hydrogen is emerging as a key player in the global shift to decarbonise industries and transport systems.

This page delves into the growth dynamics of the hydrogen market, its potential, and the forces driving its expansion.

Hydrogen's Role in the Energy Transition

Hydrogen's versatility makes it an integral part of the renewable energy landscape. Unlike other energy sources, hydrogen can be stored and transported, offering a solution to one of the most significant challenges of renewable energy - intermittency and the decarbonisation of sectors that can not be electrified. Its ability to provide energy on demand makes it indispensable in achieving a balanced, sustainable energy mix.

Market Growth Drivers: Several factors contribute to the growing hydrogen market

  • Global Decarbonisation Efforts: Governments worldwide are setting ambitious targets to reduce carbon emissions. Hydrogen, particularly green hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources, plays a crucial role in these strategies.

  • Technological Advancements: Continuous improvements in electrolysis technology and the scaling up of green hydrogen production methods are driving down costs, making hydrogen more competitive.

  • Diverse Applications: Hydrogen finds applications across various sectors, including transport (fuel cell vehicles), industry (as a feedstock and for heat processes), and power generation.


Current Market Trends and Future Outlook

The hydrogen market is witnessing significant growth, especially in regions like Australia, Europe, Asia, and North America. Europe, in particular, has been proactive, with countries like Germany and France announcing large-scale hydrogen strategies and investments. Asia, led by Japan and South Korea, is rapidly advancing in hydrogen fuel cell technology, primarily for transportation.

Global investments in hydrogen are increasing, with both private and public sectors contributing to its growth. Government initiatives, such as funding for hydrogen projects, tax incentives, and public-private partnerships, are bolstering market confidence and accelerating development. While the market is growing, challenges like high production costs, the need for infrastructure development, and regulatory frameworks persist. However, these challenges present opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and investment.

The future of hydrogen looks promising. As the world moves towards a more integrated and flexible energy system, hydrogen is poised to play a crucial role. Its potential to facilitate large-scale renewable integration, support grid stability, and decarbonise hard-to-abate sectors such as fertiliser manufacturing and steel refining presents a significant growth opportunity. Projections indicate a surge in market demand, with the global electrolyser capacity estimated at 700 MW in 2021, expected to skyrocket to 2 GW by the end of 2023, 6 GW by 2025, and a staggering 40 GW by 2030.


Electrolyser costs are projected to fall, with capital expenses expected to decrease significantly as production scales. Green hydrogen costs, currently varying globally, are forecasted to dip to US$2-6/kg by 2030 due to declining renewable electricity costs and technological advancements. With electricity accounting for 45 to 70% of operating costs, regions like Australia, with lower renewable electricity costs, are well-positioned to produce cost-competitive hydrogen.

Electrolyser manufacturing capacity has seen a 25% annual increase. Key players like Cummins, ITM Power, Plug Power, NEL Hydrogen, and Siemens are expanding their manufacturing capabilities, anticipating the fulfillment of the burgeoning project pipeline.


As technologies advance and costs decline, hydrogen's role in our energy systems will only become more pivotal. The journey towards a hydrogen-powered future will require cost reductions, industry embracing the new energy source and reimagining the way we produce, store, and use energy.

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